
Welcome to our first email newsletter!  This is more of a trial run, so we don’t have much to cover.  Rather, we are gearing up for any tax law changes or important updates that might occur later this fall and winter.

What to look forward to…

As we prepare for the year, these newsletters will help us communicate tax advice and tax law changes that may be relevant to you. You will receive these sporadically throughout the year…..they will not be on a regular schedule. You can also find these newsletters uploaded to our website,, under the “Client Letters and Briefs” tab.

Open Position!

One important topic to cover immediately is an added open position in our company.  We are looking to hire a Full-Time Records Assistant/Office Associate as soon as possible.  Please spread the word and if you are aware of someone who is interested, please have them contact the office and fill out an application.


If you have any questions or concerns about these email newsletters or the open position, please contact us using the information below. We wanted to thank all of you for being such wonderful clients! We thoroughly enjoy working for each and every one of you!


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